Business coaching
Succesfuld kommunikation og branding – med IværksætterDanmark
5.200,00 kr. Kom i gang her -
Business coaching
Individuel workshop: Kommunikationsstrategi og storytelling
3.500,00 kr. Kom i gang her
Client testimonials
Jeg er så glad for det arbejde, vi har lavet sammen!
Jeg står langt stærkere i mit fundament efter din kyndige vejledning, men også med dine kompetente og kærlige indspark. Jeg glæder mig til at få det i spil på den nye hjemmeside og i vores kommunikative virke. Jeg ser frem til vores samarbejde fremover!
Abelone Tholstrup SteinStifter og direktør, Videnscentret Fertility Care
Helle is not merely a gifted storyteller. She is a storydoer, who constantly – both through her work and her personality – inspires others to unleash their stories and bring them home. Helle is a constant and energetic reminder of all the things that I can do and succeed in. It all starts with the right story. My story.
Laura VilsbækNyibestyrelsen.dk
You were just amazing at our Thursday social session here at Freeliving – all I can say is wow! Thanks for all your pearls of wisdom.
Anita Sundstrup Brinkmann Writer, Freeliving.dk
Thanks for all the tips and experience. It made for some exciting reading and gave plenty of food for thought.
Thanks for all the tips and experience. It made for some exciting reading and gave plenty of food for thought.